STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK: Refreshing Apparel

March 3rd, 2015 at 2:00am

Button up your tops, Fashionistos, because we are en route to exploring the depths of refreshing apparel. This article is about exploring the local thrift store and resale stores. Style does not have a price tag, ladies and gentlemen. It is about what you make of it. It’s fairly simple! You take an old item, and revamp it with anything you want.

This Fashionisto is wearing a floral patterned buttoned-down shirt with gray cardigan and jeans. He got his button-down from Salvation Army for only two dollars and makes this button-down shirt look new and trendsetting. He is a wonderful example of revamping outdated apparel. I can say that patterned button-downs are my favorite because they add a spark to one’s outfit. Since the winter months are among us, this Fashionisto wore an extra cardigan layer for warmth.

This Fashionisto is wearing a color scheme that is currently seen in the fall ready-to-wear 2015 menswear fashion shows. Both muted and neutral colors were featured. The colors of gray, black and beige have made an appearance in multiple collections of talented designers, including Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors and Bottega Veneta. The mood for menswear is a chill, subtle sophistication. I can say that this Fashionisto is ahead of the spring trend and rocking the fall fashion trend already with his own unique twist.

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “Please, check out your local thrift stores and bring something outdated to new life. Go through your closet and check out outdated apparel and pump up the style with other garments and accessories.”
