November 11th, 2015 at 2:00am

Gloomy, rainy weather can have a poor effect on your whole day. Plans to spend the afternoon outside may be soiled and your whole mood can be negatively impacted. Inclement weather does often call for a lousy day, but that doesn’t mean your outfit has to face the consequences as well. Just because it’s raining doesn’t mean that one has to settle for a huge rain jacket or decide to remain indoors due to wardrobe confusion.

We all know the pain of waking up on a rainy morning and having to put on decent clothes to go out. The large percentage of us would rather just stay in our pajamas or throw on old, stretched-out jackets to match the way we feel about these harsh elements. Although that seems like the easiest, and maybe more comforting move, it’s definitely not a stylish one. Instead of opting for your comfy, “around the house” apparel, invest in relaxed yet trendy clothes for the days that make you want to crawl right back into bed. It’s also a good idea to have rain boots and an umbrella handy for those unpleasant days.

This Fashionista is showing exactly how you can dress comfy for poorer weather and still look super stylish. She is wearing a large V-neck, knit sweater and shorts, for an effortless look that would be appropriate in most weather conditions. Then she added high socks and rain boots to make sure she is dressed right for the rainy day ahead of her.

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “When I plan my outfit for the day, I try and think about what I want to be in for the whole entire day, because often times I don’t get the chance the go home and change. So I normally dress comfy, and appropriately for the weather, but I also make sure I look cute because it’s something I will be in for a while.”



  • Carli Solomon

    Im a freshman at Florida State University majoring in communications and minoring in Journalism. Just a few things you need to know about me: I'm an Iced Coffee enthusiast, Netflix aficionado, huge supporter of all things high wasted, and in a deep, long distance relationship with New York City. Other than that, I'm Just your average college student with a dream of one day working for a big time fashion magazine.