When thinking of today’s style, one can categorize it as grunge, ’90s or even casual chic. But one thing is for sure, all of the clothing tucked away in your mother and father’s closets are absolutely back in style. Thrift store shopping is the go-to (I mean who doesn’t love a deal) and you can get away with just about everything, especially when you put your own little spin on it. One of the biggest trending trends (got to love some wit) is the cozy polished look of palazzo pants!
Our gorgeous Fashionista here has definitely helped make these come back in style. I mean, she looks fabulous! Who wouldn’t want to walk around looking like they are chic and an A-list member when in reality they feel like they are wearing pajamas. Palazzo pants are very common for beach goers or busy bodies, but this Fashionista is ready for a lunch date or a girl’s night out. She pairs her olive green pants with a cute crop top and some wedges and is off looking like a dime. Her beautiful blonde locks really help pull the outfit together and complements the natural green even more!
As a fashion lover myself, I would 100 percent invest in an outfit that is cute, affordable and utmost comfortable! In today’s society, everyone wants that polished looked and now you can get it with an outfit you’re not dying to take off. This Fashionista did an incredible job accessorizing with her black tote statement necklace and reflective sunnies. Also you cannot forget the perfect lipstick that helps the outfit pop!
What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “These pants are the best purchase I have made in a long time. I have a busy lifestyle and the ability to dress them up or down makes these the perfect staple item that everyone needs to have in their closet right next the their little black dress.”