December 23rd, 2016 at 2:00am

Hello! As the holiday season wraps up, budgets can be tight. I’m sure many of you Fashionistas can relate this: finding yourself wanting to shop for yourself as you buy the perfect gifts for your friends and family. My style advice to you would be to try thrift shopping. In recent years, thrift shopping has become one of my favorite activities. I am always able to find hidden gems that are unique and just for me. Not to mention, the prices are unbeatable. You can find pieces that are almost identical to what’s being sold in stores for just a fraction of the price. I’ve been able to find some great places in Orlando to thrift, my favorite being Dechoes Resale Store.

This Fashionista is also an advocate for thrift shopping. She found this cool velvet pajama-style shirt for only $4. Velvet is very trendy and in-season right now and she taps into other trends by pairing the shirt with a simple choker and her adidas Super Stars.

If you’re conscious of fast fashion and the inhumane treatment of workers in sweatshops in other countries, thrift shopping can be a great way to stop contributing to these processes. If you’re interested in learning more about this you should check out a documentary called The True Cost which you can find on Netflix.

So get out there and pop some tags! Thrift shopping does require some patience as it entails sifting through racks and racks of clothes, but once you find that perfect piece for under $10, there’s no better feeling.


  • Danielle Moore

    Hi! I'm Danielle, a senior at The University of Central Florida. I am studying a major in human communications and am pursuing a double minor in mass communication and dance. I day dream about traveling to beautiful places and going on endless adventures. Currently I work at Macy's but my dream job would be to work in fashion marketing.