August 28th, 2015 at 2:00am

With each season there inevitably comes a new trend, a new look that completely steals the show. It almost takes away the attention of individual style as girls and guys alike become absorbed by conforming to a trend rather than making it their own. This summer’s trend: the crop top.

As summer begins to wind down, this week’s Fashionista demonstrates how she’s taken a twist on a seasonal trend. Crop tops have become known as anything from ‘festival wear’ to bummin’ it with friends on the boardwalk. Yet, a commonly overlooked aspect of them is the appeal they can bring to formal wear. You wouldn’t normally think to expose mid-drift at say a work function or at an outdoor summer wedding reception. Times are changing though, and when done right, you’re sure to “crop to the top.”

This Fashionista has managed to pull off what women think they can only aspire to attain – Side dish sex appeal served with a whole lot of elegance. A midi skirt can muster up plenty of talk on its own, so why not give it the voice and stage it deserves? In my experience, sometimes the tuck-in method of a shirt/skirt combo can get hazy when the shirt decides to wrinkle weird or not want to stay put. The pairing of a skirt with a crop top allows for a no fuss combo. This week’s Fashionista keeps the class flowing from head to toe of her look, showing off just enough mid-drift by carefully attending to the waste-line of the skirt.

You can’t go wrong with a midi-skirt when aiming for a high-end look, especially when accessorized with the simplest details. So take some tips from this Fashionista and see how a crop top might be the perfect accent to the look.

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “Elegance is underrated. It is important to have a dignified style. Simplicity, class and confidence are fundamentals of fashion in my book!”
