January 15th, 2015 at 2:00am

As college students, we know what it’s like to be low on funds. You really want to buy that designer bag, but you also want to afford meals for the next six months. I’m pretty sure I’m still paying for shoes I bought two years ago. Any passionate lover of fashion knows the importance of key designers as well as pieces from more affordable boutiques and thrift shops. Today, I found the perfect Fashionista who embodies the perfect ability to mix and match high end with high street.

The first thing that drew me to this Fashionista’s outfit was the amount of leather (and maybe also her adorable toy poodle). Since I love leather as much as Kim Kardashian loves selfies, I was was immediately drawn to the contrast of the black peplum and tri-toned bag with the off-white skirt and sneakers. Additionally, I loved how she matched her bracelet with her necklace. The entire look is not only seamlessly flawless, but it is also a perfect model for Fashionistas everywhere. I think one of the biggest concerns a lot of Fashionistas sometimes have is the idea that you have to only wear high end brands to be truly fashionable or stylish. This is truly not the case and this Fashionista is a perfect example of that.

Mixing and matching is what makes you a Fashionista. Treat yourself from time to time; get that dress you’ve been drooling over or those shoes you’ve had dreams about for weeks. However, don’t feel pressured to only buy high end. If you check out local shops and big chains, you’ll be surprised how many cute pieces you can find to pair with your staple designer pieces. Explore the wonders of affordability and occasional splurges!

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “Embrace a mixed-fortune style, as I like to call it. Pair your new Ferragamos with your vintage skirt and rock them together as a perfectly pieced look. It’s all about balance, and it adds more variety to your outfits.”
