May 12th, 2015 at 7:10am

With the semester coming to a close and the weather heating up, looking good is a must. The most bittersweet time of the year is here—finals week. We are all ready for a carefree summer but first we must endure the week of finals.

I ran into this Fashionista on her way to the Coffee Hound to grab a cappuccino and do a little studying. My biggest piece of advice for this crazy week is to look your best. I don’t know why but there is something to be said about actually getting yourself together. I always seem to do better when I actually take the time to get up shower, put on makeup and a rocking outfit.

Today this Fashionista is sporting an adorable baby pink skater skirt. Paired with a long sleeve white crop top. This look would not have been completed without a statement. She has added a ocean breeze blue bag and a floral statement necklace. These accessories are the perfect pick me up for a semi-miserable day of studying.

Although my number one tip for finals week is to live by the motto, look good feel good do good. A few pieces of advice: drink lots of coffee, not only for the caffeine but coffee shops are always the best study spots. Take a study break, or five. Go shopping, take a walk, buy yourself a donut. Oh, and cramming never works. Like never. So study hard and get ready for a summer full of the best fashion.

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK?  “Look good.  Feel good. Do good. Oh, and eat good!”
