Come September, us college kids look forward to a number of different things. Some we can all relate to like, reuniting with friends, taking new classes and of then ,of course, there’s things that, us Fashionistas, really look forward to. For example, receiving a bible-sized September issue of your favorite fashion magazine and purchasing all the latest fall and winter trends.
September is hands down the best month for fashion lovers worldwide. ‘Tis the season that fall and winter styles are showcased, lookbooks are released and of course, Fashion Week happens. A huge staple I have seen on campus is the little denim dress. The ’90s is seriously alive in Ithaca. The little denim dress staple has been popular all summer and it is only appropriate to carry it into the cooler months.
This Fashionista radiates in a vintage style denim dress which she funks up with a pair of bright sandals. Fashionistas, everywhere, are donning variations of the little denim dress and as Alexa Chung put it, “No need to overdo it; it’s classic on its own.” This Fashionista certainly knew how to keep this classic look simple, but adding a flare of her own, such as that awesome donut backpack, the long statement necklace and a pair of gold and orange sandals. What I always look for when creating my own version of a classic look is what shoes I decide to pair with the outfit. What I love about the little denim dress is that any type of shoe works! Sneakers, boots and sandals all look fantastic with this type of dress!
What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “Don’t be afraid to wear what you want. Know that you make more friends if you have donuts on some article of your clothing. AND remember: It’s okay to be fancy when it’s not fancy time.”