Brace yourself; winter is coming. It’s that special time of year where you gain an extra layer of skin from holiday foods and when your family won’t stop asking about your career plans after college. Some people hate to see it happen, but Jack Frost is starting to nip at our noses.
For some of us, winter brings upon feelings of dullness and dreariness; feelings that make their way into our wardrobes. Coats, jackets and other forms of outerwear become a main staple for every single outfit.
For years, I would put together a perfect winter day ensemble only for it be ruined by outerwear apparel that would clash. Personally, I’m all about complementary colors. I thought I just needed more color options in my own outerwear collection. Of course, then I realized this was completely unpractical. Where would I store my new rainbow assortment of outerwear and how would I pay for these costly additions?
That’s when it hit me. Why have I been using my outerwear to dress around my outfit, when my outerwear could be the outfit? A statement piece can take any outfit from zero to 100, real quick. This is why it makes perfect sense to invest in a statement jacket or coat. During these cold months, your outerwear is the first thing people look at it, so why not make it something great?
The perfect example is this Fashionista with her fringe jacket. Adding some texture, a touch of edginess and warmth, this jacket is the best attention grabber. The Fashionista uses the jacket, her booties and her bling details to push her basic pieces to the next level.