STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK: Is That Your Grandpa's Sweater?

January 16th, 2015 at 2:00am

My very first Fashionista for the winter season is, in fact, wearing her grandpa’s clothes! Her oversized sweater was taken straight from her grandpa’s closet and used directly to help her sport an oversized and effortless look.

Sweaters like these are an essential staple-piece for your winter wardrobe. With little effort you are kept warm and fabulous. Fitted sweaters are great and make for a very classy look but they are meant to be worn on interviews and around the office. Oversized sweaters allow for freedom of expression, and the variety of colors and patterns they come in will give your wardrobe ultimate diversity.

Of course walking into your dad or grandpa’s closet is an option for finding these types of sweaters, but if their clothes are strictly off limits, don’t worry! These sweaters are so essential to everybody’s winter wardrobes that they can be found just about anywhere. Looking for some flair? Try a sweater with a cool argyle, Aztec or tribal pattern. You can go with an oversized cardigan like this Fashionista or keep it classic with a pullover. Some of these sweaters have elbow patches, so while you are in tune to the oversized style epidemic, you can also still be classy and office-appropriate!

Those are just some of the many options these sweaters come in. What you choose to sport is up to you! Step into your parent’s closet, a thrift store or just about any store in the mall, and you’ll be on your way to one of the most effortless and stylish looks this winter season.

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “I go through my grandpa’s closet all the time! There’s no point in spending $60 for something that I can get right at home and it’s just as great.”
