STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK: Fall-ing for Paisley

September 29th, 2015 at 2:00am

Fall is finally here and that means a whole new set of trends to experiment with. Prints and patterns have had a great year in terms of popularity and it’ll be no different this fall. The most stand-out pattern of the season is paisley, and I couldn’t be more excited!

Paisley has been around forever, but recently it has really caught on. It’s literally everywhere, especially with the comeback of hippie-inspired looks that were super prominent this past summer. With this renewed popularity, paisley is becoming the go-to pattern of the season. This Fashionista is definitely working fall’s new trend. She is wearing a black knit cardigan, a black halter crop top, a loose high-waist pant with a paisley print and leather booties. This ensemble is perfect for fall because it’s pulling in our favorite pieces from the summer and making them suitable for the new season. For example, we saw that the loose pant had great momentum this summer, so adding a paisley print to that piece transforms it into a great fall item. It’s really all in the color of the print, and fall is all about warm, darker colors. So this Fashionista nailed it with both her choice in style and color for this ensemble.

I also love the fact that just because it’s fall doesn’t mean it’s time to put away our crop tops just yet. Weather-bearing, throwing on a cardigan or kimono on top buys us a little more time with our crop tops before we have to set them aside for the winter.

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “Always try something new and always make it your own. At first I was a little hesitant to try a paisley print out, but now I’m hooked!”
