March 16th, 2015 at 2:00am

While every other Florida University has already had their spring break, us North Florida kids are just now putting a pause on the midterms for this week! Still, for those of you back in school and wanting to cozy up in club lib, this Fashionista can totally show you how it’s done.

She sports high-waisted light wash jeans, a brown suede bomber jacket and channels her school spirit with a university hoodie. To complete the look, she wears heeled tan work boots, aviator-style prescription glasses and a sufficient sized backpack.

To me, I find it especially important to dress comfortably, just not too comfortably. Do you want to fall asleep and easily call it quits before a major exam? I don’t think so.

I know a lot of us are inching towards wearing our cutest pajamas during midterms or other pretty tough weeks because “desperate times call for desperate measures.” But you should always ask yourself this question every time you prepare for the day: “Is my outfit conducive to learning?” Or, “Is this appropriate to wear at office hours with my professor?” Or, “Could I wear this in lab and be completely fine if chemicals spilled on me?” (For you Bio/Chem majors).

Throughout grade school, the only acceptable day to wear pajamas was on “pajama day” really. Shouldn’t it be somewhat ingrained that a “dress code” conducive to learning would stray away from this type clothing?

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “In most cases I say, ‘Dress for success,’ but in study mode, dress comfortably smart! If both are attainable, that’s even better!”
