23 Ideas You Should Definitely Add to Your Senior Year Bucket List

January 15th, 2018 at 2:00am
senior year bucket list

Graduation is approaching, seniors! With graduation day approaching, you may start feeling a little nostalgic about the past four years. Right now you’re probably focused on getting through your last semester so you can finally start the next chapter of your life—and that’s okay. But don’t let the future keep you from enjoying your final days of college now. Add these 23 activities to your senior year bucket list, and then let us know in the comments if there are any we’re missing!

  • Join a club: You know the one. The club that you always wanted to join, but always came up with an excuse not to. Now is your last chance to join, so take the leap and do it!
  • Go to a formal: Maybe you didn’t go in the past because you already did the whole prom thing and thought that it really couldn’t be much different. But don’t let that stop you from enjoying a night filled with dancing in your glitziest party dress.
  • Get your school spirit on: Sure, you’ve thrown on a college T-shirt and cheered for your team in the stands, but have you painted your body in your school’s colors and worn a crazy wig? Go all out at least one time before you say your goodbyes.
  • Splurge on a Sunday brunch with your friends: It’s hard to justify spending money on a nice meal when you’re a college student on a budget, but throw caution to the wind and go big on at least one nice brunch with your friends.
  • Go to karaoke: If your friend group has an anthem, sing it loud and proud at a karaoke bar. Don’t worry if you’re off key—that just adds to the silliness of the night and makes it that much more memorable.
  • Have a movie night with your friends: There’s a good chance that your friends may not live close to you ever again. Take advantage of the short travel distance by having them over often. Spontaneous movie nights and dance parties are always the best.
  • Participate in all your school’s traditions: Every school has a list of traditions like themed pep rallies, jumping in the school fountain, or group all-nighters. Make a list of these traditions in a notebook and do your best to check them all off.
  • Visit your friend on their campus: Your friends are most likely graduating the same year you, so this is your last chance to visit their campus. Get a taste of what other schools are like while you still can.
  • Check out your school’s workout classes: Outside of college, gym classes can be pricey. Take advantage of the classes your school has to offer (they’re sometimes cheap or even free) so that you can find something you love. It’ll make it that much easier to find classes you want to pay for in the future.
  • Have an impromptu photoshoot with your friends: Grab a camera and find pretty spots around your campus or college town. You’ll want these photos to remind yourself of the fun times you had with your friends once you are miles apart.
  • Decorate your graduation cap: This a great way to add a little personality to your cap-and-gown ensemble. (Plus, it helps your parents find you in a sea of graduates.) Decorate it with a funny saying, hints about your future, or your favorite part/memory of college.
  • Go hiking: Hiking seems to have become the unofficial weekend past time of college students, and for good reason (it’s fun). Find your nearest hiking path, throw on your sturdiest boots, and spend the day getting some fresh air and taking amazing pictures.
  • Learn to cook a meal with your friends: Cooking is a necessary life skill, so learn it while you can still rely on your prepaid meal plan if your dinner goes up in smoke.
  • Take advantage of your student discount: You won’t have that student discount for much longer, so take advantage of it while you can. There is a whole list of stores that offer discounts to college students, so use those benefits to get a new, professional wardrobe.
  • Go on a classy, grown-up date: Even if it’s just with a friend, plan a date where you dress a little nicer than usual for dinner at a fancy restaurant.
  • Volunteer on your campus or in your community: Before you graduate, give back to your campus community by volunteering while you still have extra time in your day. This could be as simple as helping to run a table at a campus event or helping out at a soup kitchen.
  • Network with your professors: Hopefully you’ve been working on this since you started college, but if you haven’t, it’s not too late. Find ways to get to know your professors—you may need their help in the future.
  • Show up to class in your PJs: Going to class in the clothes you wore to bed may seem a little foreign to fashion lovers who take every opportunity to dress up, but it’s almost a rite of passage in college.
  • Start a journal: You make so many memories in college that it can be hard to remember them all. Find a notebook and document your last days of the semester so you don’t forget any of the amazing times you had.
  • Make a new friend: You’ve probably had the same group of friends since freshman year, so try breaking out of your comfort zone and make a date with a classmate you’ve always admired or that cool person who always sits next to you at the coffee shop. Even if it doesn’t last, it will be good practice for when you’re out in the real world.
  • Write thank you notes to your professors: Your professors have likely gone above and beyond for you. Not only have they given you the skills to succeed in the real world, but they may have even written you recommendation letters for grad schools or put in a good word for you with a potential employer. Show them some appreciation before you go.
  • Explore your college town: You probably think you’ve already done this, but you never know how many things you’ve missed out on in the past four years. Whether it be a new restaurant, a new store, or a gallery exhibit, check it out and help support the community you’ve been living in.
  • Go to a student-run production: Support your fellow students’ dreams by attending a program run by students. Check out the campus play, go to an open mic night, or visit a student art gallery opening.

Featured photo by @emmaatopp.
