Resume, Portfolio, or Both?

July 19th, 2017 at 2:00am

When applying for your next career, you want to make sure that you have a successful resume before presenting it to any potential employers. Having a resume is crucial but having a portfolio isn’t a bad idea either, especially in the fashion world. A portfolio is a great way to get your name out there and showcase how great you are at what you do. A portfolio is the best way to present a wide spectrum of things you are interested in doing, as well as showcasing your talent in multiple fields.

When creating your resume you want to make sure that you include all of your information accurately. Make sure to double, triple, and quadruple check your information. Also, it is always beneficial to have multiple prints of your resume handy for anytime necessary. Your resume is your business card until you get one of your own.

Volunteering, serving at homeless shelters, church activities, charity work, and providing hours to your community looks great on a resume and is a simple and easy way to improve it. Employers love to see that their employees are involved in some sort of outside work. Not only does it help the community and the people around you but it is also a generally good characteristic to present. Another good characteristic is not only having a successful resume but a successful appearance as well.

When it comes to dressing for success, there are some things you need to consider. How are your overall look and communication skills going to reflect you as a person? Present yourself as the person you strive to be, with confidence and purpose.

When preparing to engage in social interaction, make sure to check these don’ts off your list in order to make the best first impression. First thing, do not show an over abundance of skin (i.e. no short skirts and absolutely no strapless tops.) As cute as they may be, they aren’t for the workplace. Also, never wear dirty clothes, obviously. However, some people might think that they can re-wear that shirt one more time before washing, don’t. Clothes tend to hold an odor that you may not notice, but others will. In addition, never think that you can get away with wearing a wrinkled piece of clothing because you can’t. Lastly, always wear clothes that fit your body the way they should. Avoid clothes that are too baggy for your body type as well as the tops you should have gotten rid of before your freshman 15.

Any ideas or tips on how to improve your resume or portfolio? If so, please be sure to comment with suggestions and don’t forget to tag @Cfashionista.
