Products You'll Want to Relax With

August 24th, 2017 at 2:00am

The excitement I had experienced when I began my freshman year of college is one that I will never forget. As the semester continued, the excitement remained, but stress over exams, assignments, and extracurricular activities became inevitable. During my freshman year, I struggled to deal with stress. Although there were opportunities to de-stress, such as going to the gym or meditating, I couldn’t find the time to relax. Finally, I find myself in my junior year of college and I think it’s safe to say that I’ve discovered new and effective ways to deal with stress.

Surprisingly, I found all of these convenient methods at my favorite cosmetics store, Lush. The first products I started using were bath bombs. This fizzy and fun product will instantly make you feel stress-free. My favorite bath bomb is Big Blue, which has both lavender and seaweed. Both of these ingredients will soothe, relax, and leave you feeling empowered to face any challenges life throws at you. Keep in mind that Lush isn’t the only place you can find a bath bomb. The most important thing to know about bath bombs is what ingredients work best for you. Knowing this, you’ll easily find your perfect de-stress bomb.

In addition to bath bombs, body and face scrubs have become a part of my relaxation routine. Through time, Ocean Salt has become my favorite scrub. The scrub’s refreshing ingredients, which include ocean salt and avocado revives both my body and mind. This Lush product literally scrubs the stress away and as a bonus leaves your skin smooth.

My latest find has easily become the most significant part and honestly my favorite relaxing technique, mainly because it involves sleep. The product is called Sleepy and is a new addition to Lush’s array of lotions. This lotion’s main ingredient is lavender and can be noted due to the lotion’s beautiful color and distinct smell. Typically, Sleepy, as well as other lavender lotions, are applied before bed and tend to calm the body down, letting it know that it’s time to rest. Since a healthy sleep routine is so important to being successful in life, this product is certainly a go-to for me.

What are some of the products you use to relax? Let me know in the comments below.


  • Cameron Briggs

    Junior at the University of Florida. Majoring in Anthropology. During my free time I like to write, travel, and try new things!