32 Songs by LGBTQ+ Artists To Kick Off Pride Month

June 1st, 2018 at 5:00am
Pride Month Playlist

Living as someone in the LGBTQ+ community is already a difficult act in itself, but what feels even more difficult is finding art forms and stories that we can relate to as queer individuals. With this in mind, it raises the issue that much of today’s music is filled with heteronormative standards. It’s exhausting to have your own voice silenced, so with the start of Pride month, all we really want to do is listen to songs about our queer desires, relationships, and struggles. Fortunately, I’ve discovered many artists ranging all genres that identify as LGBTQ+ and aren’t afraid to show it in their music. This playlist, spanning from queer R&B to indie girl anthems, will be sure to help you get your grooves or feels on, but also will make you insanely proud of your queerness—just in time for Pride month.

Opening image by Natalie Geisel.


  • Natalie Geisel

    Natalie is a rising junior at George Washington University in DC studying communication and women's, gender, and sexuality studies, but she spends her free time writing about her strange sartorial life on her personal blog and for college fashionista as an editorial fellow. She has an obsession with Chloë Sevigny's style, tiny vintage shops in Brooklyn, and early 2000's indie rock.