
PHYSICAL EDUCATION—#HBFit's Five Tips To Stay Fit In Five Minutes or Less

February 17th, 2016 at 2:00am

During the winter, you’re priorities tend to be 1) don’t freeze; 2) avoid going outside and 3) crush Netflix. Lacing up your sneakers for a four mile run just isn’t in the cards.

The reality is that there are quick and easy ways to stay fit that don’t require getting hypothermia while exercising. Our friends over at HBFit are constant sources for all things health and fitness related, providing tips and advice that is actually attainable and practical. (Their instagram feed gives us major fit-spiration.)

So we asked them to share their five easy tips for the staying fit in five minutes or less that you can do during the winter!

1. Switch Up Your Workout
Sometimes when you find yourself dreading the gym or skipping a workout, it might be because you’re bored! Keep things interesting by trying a new machine or constantly trying new classes to stay out of a rut.



2. Set A Bedtime

This can be extremely hard, especially in college when you have a million things on your plate, but having a consistent bedtime helps to ensure you’re getting enough sleep every night.
3. Don’t Skip Meals
Skipping meals is one of the worst things for a healthy diet. When you’re busy make sure to leave time for three meals a day or, at the very least, two meals with snacks in between.
4. Satisfy Cravings with Healthy Alternatives
We all have cravings, but that doesn’t mean we have to let it affect our clean eating habits! Treat yourself to a piece of dark chocolate or a spoonful of peanut butter. It packs the same punch as a candy bar, but without the guilt.
5. Workout with A Partner
Working out with a partner is not only fun, but a great way of pushing yourself. Find a friend of equal or greater fitness level to add a little challenge to your next workout!
