
May Mood Board—The Future is Now

May 2nd, 2016 at 2:00am

Even though May falls in the middle of the calendar year, it is a month marked by new beginnings. The buds are blooming and warm weather fashion is making an appearance. Most notably, however, this month marks the end of the school year and, for about a quarter of you out there, graduation.


You spend four years of college preparing for “what happens next.” You pick your major, clock serious time at the library, hustle during your internships and even find time to revel in the moments of being in college because you know at some point down the road, you will have to “adult.” Well, Class of 2016, that time is now. All those 17 years or so of schooling have lead up to this moment. The future “some day” is now.


The idea of the future can be intimidating. But embracing the unknown and endless opportunities that await is also exhilarating. Whether you are graduating this month, simply ending another school year or are just excited about the prospect of a new season, we invite you to live in the moment. This month, we are all about realizing that the future is now. Whether it comes to new fashion trends, starting that first job or just celebrating this chapter in your life, we are taking time to ushering all the newness that this month has to offer.


To kick-off this month, check out our May Mood Board on Pinterest to inspire you to take a hold of your future this month!
