Make the Decision to Gain Confidence and Love Your Life

July 18th, 2017 at 2:00am

Women today face a lot of adversity to their own bodies. We shame ourselves if we eat another cookie, others shame us for the clothes we wear or how we look in them, and sometimes that can be a lot for people to handle resulting in eating and mental disorders. We need to learn to love, respect, and treasure our bodies no matter what others may tell us. This article will cover simple changes to help you love your body and boost confidence in yourself!

Be Health Conscious

Everyone and their brother tells you the number one way to feel better about yourself is to diet, diet, diet. On the contrary, dieting is not the way to make you feel or look better. Dieting is seen as short term when really being healthy is a lifestyle choice. Your goal should not be to lose weight, but rather to get healthy! My advice is to take one unhealthy thing and substitute it for something more nutritious. For instance, if you drink soda every day, replace this with a seltzer water with a splash of pomegranate juice. If you do this one step at a time you will begin to not only see healthy weight loss, but you’ll begin to feel a difference in your energy and life.

Exercise is Key

Most people are intimidated by the word “exercise,” and not many enjoy it. I’m not saying you need to do anything super intense or hardcore, a yoga class or simple one-mile walk a day will not only make you feel connected with nature but is proven to help clear your mind. When you work out, Endorphins are released in the brain sending happy vibes and positivity throughout. Yoga is an amazing way to relieve stress, and we all have stress, so taking an hour out of your day to get in touch with your body is a great step to nurturing and loving yourself. This will result in a happier, healthier, and stronger you!

Treat Yourself

Beauty on the inside is extremely important, but making yourself feel pretty on the outside is great too. Although you shouldn’t make this your priority, everyone wants to feel good about the way they look. A fun way to feel good is to make your own facials and body scrubs! Making sure to use all-natural and clean products for the best results is crucial for your health and will have prolonged benefits. Clear, glowing skin is not only a great way to boost confidence but is a fun way to spend a weekend night with the girls.

Eating right, exercising, and pampering yourself are great ways to boost your confidence and love the body you’re in. It takes effort but with the right guidance, everyone can love themselves. Let’s create a movement to redefine body imaging.

Will you join me? Show us how you are redefining body imaging by tagging @CFashionista!
