How I Landed That Killer Summer Internship

June 7th, 2017 at 2:00am

For many of you fashion majors, I’m sure you know by now that majority of you are required to complete some type of internship to receive that rightfully deserved diploma by the end of your four years. Well, here is my experience on landing that perfect internship in New York City and a few tips to help you along the way. If you’re not a fashion major, stick around because these tips could apply to you, too!


This is one of those tips that I didn’t really take seriously when beginning my search for that perfect internship. I applied to everywhere and anything that was available on any website that had the title “Intern” on it. Brainstorm what companies you would love to work for and why they are your top choices. Shoot for the moon because you’ll never know where you may end up!

Use every kind of social media to network

To all you Style Gurus. I know you have that bomb Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat account, but what about the totally underrated LinkedIn account? Sign yourself up and build that impressive profile. It’s like Facebook but for business! I easily became obsessed with it and who doesn’t love showing off their amazing real world accomplishments?

Cold call and e-mail

Now, this tip might make a few of you a little uncomfortable, but no worries! It’s not as scary as it sounds. This is exactly how I got my internship. A friend of a friend gave me a connection on LinkedIn, I cold e-mailed the girl, and now, here I am sitting writing this article about getting an internship. Step outside of your comfort zone because the worst that could happen is rejection and it’s not as bad as it seems. Rejection builds character! Keep your emails short and simple, an introduction about yourself and why you’re contacting them. Never forget to attach your cover letter, resume, and your online portfolio if you have one (which brings me to my next tip)!

Build that online portfolio

I cannot express how important this is! This is how you brand yourself and what I mean by brand is how the world sees you through their eyes. Creating an online portfolio lets people get an insight into your creative side and style. This especially helps in an interview. A lot of employers take the time to critique your portfolio to get a better sense of your work and creativity. And don’t forget to bring your personal style to the interview as well!

Be yourself and stay true to your vision

My last and final tip, so painfully cliché but so amazingly true. If you believe in yourself then others will too. Take pride in your work and stand beside it because it is your vision and goals brought to life. Do not give up until you achieve them. Plenty of people didn’t believe I wasn’t going to land that corporate internship in the Big Apple, but I did, and it was because I took my brainstorm notes. Those cold e-mails and my personality turned it into a summer in the city. So block the haters and turn those big city dreams into your reality!

Well, my little Fashionistas, what’s your dream internship and how are you going to land it? Let us know in the comments below!


  • Holly Warren

    My name is Holly Warren and I am a senior at Appalachian State University! This summer I will be in NYC interning with a fashion company to complete my four years in undergrad. I cannot wait to share my experiences with you Fashionistas. Cheers to a summer in the city!