The Golden Rule for Creating a Knockout Outfit in the Morning

June 19th, 2017 at 2:00am

Mornings are already quite a mess. You slept badly, you realized your hair is greasy, you have nothing in the fridge and on top of that, you “think” you have nothing to wear. Well, let me tell you. You do have something to wear. You just need the golden rule to figure out what that is.

If you’re anything like me, you have a lot of clothes. Now I am not ashamed of this. I love every item I own because they each come with an event, a day, a moment that I like to remember. My wardrobe varies from cheap and nasty to heirlooms to classics, and I love this. I have the ability to mix and match all of it with each piece serving a purpose in day to day outfits.

But sometimes, and I mean most mornings, I tend to be flustered and stare and my wardrobe for a very long time. I stand. I stare. I think to myself “I don’t own any clothes.” A mantra I repeat however at the same time thinking, “I want to wear that! No, that! No…” I actually get too excited about my clothes. I want to wear them all! But I think to myself, “There’s always a tomorrow. Tomorrow you can wear that.” However, the ironic thing is this exact some sequence of events will happen tomorrow. So I begin to think about today.

After years of this same freak out happening, I began to think that there’s got to be a better way, and there is. Just pick one item and work around it. What? That’s it? But yes. That’s the rule right there. Whether it’s those new cream boots, a plain white T-shirt or a statement jacket. Pick one and build an outfit around it. You will be amazed at what your wardrobe presents you.

This rule teaches you not to over-complicate, not to try too hard, and most importantly to reach for different things in your closet. By picking one item a day that you want to feature, you will find yourself wearing everything you own in a week and absolutely loving it.

I would love to hear about your own golden rule for putting together an outfit. Comment below!


  • PepaCummins

    Australian girl who calls NYC her second home. Clothes give me confidence, they truly are my second skin and one of my greatest passions, other than writing of course!