How to Get Involved at Your University

September 28th, 2017 at 1:07am

College is a time for new experiences, but the transition can be a somewhat difficult adjustment.  Moving away to an unfamiliar place is never easy for anyone, but getting involved on campus can make the transition seem a little bit smoother. Making connections and being involved in something that you love allows for the campus to feel more like home. Whether one is an incoming freshman or a senior in college, it is never too late to get involved.

When I entered college, I was overwhelmed with the amount of clubs and organizations that I could join. There was so much to do, but I had no idea where to start. By talking to a few upperclassmen, I discovered some easy steps to becoming acclimated to campus involvement. Here are a few tips to help you get involved on your campus.

1—Attend an activity fair

Many universities have some type of activity fair where most student organizations are present. This is a perfect opportunity to network and find out which organization suits you best.

PHOTO: Kenia Viezcas

2—Attend call-out meetings

In order to get a better understanding of what organizations are about, it is best to attend a call-out meeting. There will usually be a sign-up sheet where you can sign up for emails or receive notifications on events and scheduled meetings. Grab your planner or dry erase board and write down when the meetings are held so you won’t forget the dates.

3—Don’t be afraid to try something new

You never know until you try! Do not be afraid to try something that you are unfamiliar with. You may fall in love with an organization that is completely obscure to you.

PHOTO: Jordyn Wissert

4—Stay committed and connected

Once you find the organization that suits you, stay committed! Try to attend meetings regularly or be on the executive board. Not only does it look excellent on a resume, but the organization will mean a lot more to you if you stay involved. Depending upon which organization you join, you may be able to build up a small portfolio for your major.

By keeping these thoughts in mind, it will not only allow you to get connected to your school, but it will also help you to discover your passions and strengths!

How do you stay involved on your campus? Let us know in the comments below!

Featured photo by Kenia Viezcas.


  • Loren Dent

    Hello ✨ My name is Loren and I am currently Junior at Ball State a University studying Journalism News! I absolutely love writing and all things fabulous. I have always had an attraction to fashion, especially all things vibrant and glamorous. My goal is to uplift young women and promote self-confidence.