
How to Get Fit This Summer

July 14th, 2017 at 2:00am

Every morning, I find myself debating whether it’s more beneficial to sleep in or get up and do a quick workout. While both are so important, a good workout always makes me feel like I can conquer the day. All things considered, most people work long hours and travel during the summer, which makes it hard to make time for the gym. Here, I’ve put together a perfect workout that can be done at home. This workout is great for people struggling to find time for fitness like myself, and it works muscles throughout the entire body while burning calories. Best of all, there’s no equipment needed, and it only takes about 30 minutes.

Exercise 1—50 calorie run or bike

Grab your smart watch or Fitbit and run or bike until you hit 50 calories burned. This exercise will wear you out the first time, but gets easier and takes less time with practice. If you don’t own a Fitbit or smart watch, there’s an awesome app in the App Store called “Pacer.” This app counts your calories while you’re running, biking, or walking with a timer. Pacer is a great tool to time yourself when doing this workout, and it also records your times so you can work on improvement.

 Exercise 2—50 squats

Any basic squat will do!

Exercise 3—100 jumping jacks

Just like gym class but better!

Exercise 4—50 Push-ups

Push-ups from your knees are acceptable, as long as you do 50.

Exercise 5—50 V-ups

Lay back with your arms above your head, your legs straight out in front of you. Bring each arm up to touch the opposite leg at the same time. Your core should be burning. 25 VUPs on each leg will get you to 50 total.

Exercise 6—75 burpees

First, start by standing, then jump down into a push-up position and hold it (add a push-up here if you want to get a better workout!). Next, bring your feet to your knees in a crouched position and jump back up. You can also add a jump at the end. You may lose your breath with the extra jump at the end, so make sure to drink lots of water.

Of course, with any exercise, motivation is key, so bring a friend along to motivate you and have some fun. You can also wear a trendy athletic outfit to motivate yourself to get moving. We only have one body, so let’s treat them well.

Leave a comment about how the workout went below! Take some pictures, post them on social media, and tag @CFashionista!


  • Hannah Wisdom

    My heart belongs in my home state of Illinois. I am studying Bushiness and Fashion Merchandising at the amazing University of Minnesota. I love everything stripes and have a sweet spot for all deserts.