Fall break is the best reliever of stress. Right after midterms, a nice vacation is much needed to rejuvenate and replenish before finishing out the semester. This fall break, I flew to Austin, Texas to visit my best friend. We did so much exploration around the city over our short weekend together, and it was all so much fun!
But now, I know what you’re probably wondering. Why would you go somewhere so hot for fall break? And the second question you’re probably asking is, what do you wear?
Living somewhere that is only one season—that season being summer— is definitely challenging when it comes to fashion. I speak from experience, as I go to school in Southern California. You want to change seasons with your wardrobe like the rest of the nation, but if you do that, you’ll end up in a pile of your own sweat.
So here, this Fashionista showed me how she incorporates fall wardrobe into the heat and how best to transition from summer to fall. She is wearing a vintage muscle tank top, with a chunky, green sweater cardigan and a pair of high-waisted denim shorts. She also has on some strappy, whiskey colored sandals and a beaded necklace. The muscle tank top and sweater combo are perfect because it incorporates an article of clothing from her summer wardrobe while adding a touch of fall, nicely transitioning from season to season. The beaded necklace also adds a very earthy, fall tone to the outfit, exemplifying that fall touch.
Other tips to work fall into an outfit, while still surviving the heat, include wearing fall colors like tan, brick red and shades of orange, etc. Additionally, wearing booties and vests will add just the right touch of fall warmth to any outfit, while still allowing for ventilation and keeping cool.