The summer sun is revving up the heat this year, making picture-perfect ice cream shots melt in an instant. With blazing temperatures, these cold desserts disappear before our cameras even get the chance to focus. Luckily, there is a way to make a treat that can withstand the heat while still being super Instagram-able: ice cream cone cupcakes! Try out this recipe to create a fun summer treat that is sure to get a ton of likes.
Things you’ll need for this sweet treat:
- An oven
- A mixing bowl (bonus points if it has a cute saying, like the “Lick the Bowl” mixing bowl by World Market, $13)
- A mixing spoon/whisk
- A tablespoon
- A cupcake pan (for a cooler take on this DIY recipe, you can snag an ice cream cone pan)
- Flat-bottom ice cream cones (if using a regular cupcake pan)
- 3 eggs
- 1 whole stick of butter (unsalted and melted)
- 1/2 cup of milk
- Your favorite cake mix (I used a vanilla cake mix, but any flavor will work)
- Icing and sprinkles for decoration
Time to get baking!
1—First, preheat your oven to 350º (or the temperature recommended by your chosen cake mix).
2—Place your ice cream cones in the holes of your cupcake pan.
3—In your bowl, mix together the eggs, milk, butter, and cake mix with your whisk until the mixture is smooth.
4—Use your tablespoon to scoop the cake mix into your cones (CAUTION: do not fill the cones all the way to the top or else they will overflow—leave about one inch of space between the mix and the rim of the cone).
5—Place the tray of cones in the oven and leave for 20-25 minutes (or until the cakes have cooked completely).
Decoration time!
I recommend testing the cupcakes with a knife to ensure they are completely baked. Choose one cone and carefully poke a knife from the top of the cake to the bottom of the cone. If the knife has wet cake batter on it, continue to bake your cones at five-minute intervals until they are fully cooked. Cut your tester cake cone in half as your final check—once it is completely cooked and cooled off, it is time to get to decorating! I used a spoon to decorate my cupcakes—I scooped a tablespoon of icing on the top of each cupcake and then twirled the cone in one hand while using the back of the spoon to smooth out and create a swirl with the icing. Top your cakes off with some fun sprinkles and you’re done!
Now it’s your turn to try out this sweet treat to liven up your Instagram feed (and your taste buds). Show us your creations on social media, and don’t forget to tag @Cfashionista!