Even though it’s already April, the weather in New York City is still chilly. The fickle weather makes us wonder what to wear everyday. Also, the gloomy sky makes us lazy to go outside. On days like this, just throw on your favorite pair of jeans, sneakers, a T-shirt, and top it all off with some accessories. Sounds simple enough, right? With these simple items, you can look stylish too. How? The key is to look out for details within your outfit.
This Fashionista follows the rule of looking out for details within the simple items. She wears a basic white T-shirt with slightly destroyed jeans, a monochrome navy coat, white sneakers, and a baseball cap. When you look closer at her look, you can see that she matched her items according to a color scheme within her outfit. Both her shoes and baseball cap are not only white just like her shirt, but also both items have small swatches of red and blue. The subtle color match completes her look with a chic finish. If during the day the weather warms up, then she can take off the coat, and her inner shirt would still match with other items. Also, she wears similar colored earrings to maintain the simple edge to her look. By matching her look in the small details, this Fashionista brings out her chic side without much effort.
When trying to put simple items together, coordinating the details is the key to completing the look with stylish touch. Color matching can be the beginning point for all outfits.