If Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie taught us anything way back from their “humble” 2003 days, living the simple life has its perks. While their decision to go sans-credit cards, fancy cars, and shopping sprees, was probably a slightly bigger shock to the system (and for TV ratings), that doesn’t mean that it would be easy for any of us to opt for a simpler way of life. We are somehow wired to think more is more with it comes not only to possessions, but just our general way of life as well.
We have become so accustomed to “more” that we think we need it. More content. More clothes. More friends. More internships. More classes. More. More. More. But if you step back, you realize that you not only do not need as much as you think you do, but this way of living is exhausting and unfulfilling.
Photo via @thatchiclex
In this day in age, it can be difficult to find time for moments of simplicity amidst the busyness of everyday life. As internship and job-search season approaches, it’s important for all our our sanities to keep simplicity in mind. Without it, who knows where we’d be.
The Danish people have been making it a way of life (even coining the term “hygge”). It’s all about embracing life’s simple pleasures, which can vary greatly depending on the person. And according to the World Happiness Report, people in this Scandinavian country are the happiest in the world. Happier? With less? Can it be that simple?
Photo via @tabihoshmand
Then I started to reflect on the things that truly fulfill me and make me happy. For me, a fresh-baked croissant and a great cup of coffee could solve absolutely any problem. I also love the smell of old books and late night conversations with old friends. It’s quiet moments that I truly love and find I actually need more of.
In order to guarantee the utmost success, maintain sanity, and overall happiness, take this advice. Don’t get caught up in the big stuff. Allow yourself to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Not only will this way of life reduce your compounding stress, but it’ll also make everything exponentially more enjoyable. So, while being a minimalist every once in a while might not be the most exciting choice, everyone needs some balance in their life. Be over-the-top next week.
How are you simplifying your life? Let us know in the comments below!