College is all about balance. We all know how easy it is to measure your time by “X days until the weekend” and do the bare minimum to get by until you can rest and relax. The problem? The work doesn’t simply go away if you ignore it and assignments, papers and tasks that were overlooked during the week will put a damper of your Friday-Sunday agenda. To change up your routine of procrastination before the weekend kicks in, I’ve listed a few of my tips that I use to handle everything without being completely overwhelmed.
Rule of thumb: always pay attention to your assignments that are due. If I’m ignoring my calendar and syllabuses, I rarely remember anything and will blow off important deadlines. Make schoolwork your priority by keeping your calendar nearby so you don’t have a reason to forget anything.
When I know my friends and I have an awesome trip to hang out downtown later that day, I will finish my assignments between classes so I don’t have to think about it later. If you know yourself and know you have an exciting day ahead of you, you should get your work done right away so you don’t have to worry about doing anything at the last minute.
(Photo via @born_intheknow)
Write down even the most tedious assignments and don’t pass up on them. It’s easy to skip over reading assignments and promise yourself you’ll make them up later. But we all know you won’t get back to it. The smallest readings and worksheets really add up in the long run, so it’s good to stay on top of things and don’t miss any minor details.
(Photo via @andiwasthesea)
In order to get work done throughout the week but still socialize, you should schedule days to meet up at the library with friends at specific times so you’ll feel more obligated to go. My friends and I have reserved a room in the library once a week to meet up to hold each other accountable to get our work done!
(Photo via @biancacanales)
Leisure on the weekend recharges you throughout the week, so it’s good to schedule your week so that you’re completely free on Saturday and Sunday. The best way to do that is by planning day-by-day the assignments to get done. If your Mondays aren’t too busy, try to do more of your work in advance then so that your busy Thursdays don’t hold you back. Hold yourself to a standard and make the most out of your time every day. Skipping out on the procrastination during the week will help you enjoy your weekend more because you won’t have the guilt of not getting everything done.
(Photo via @kluuhh)
Once the weekend finally arrives, it’s easy to clear your mind of responsibilities. Many thoughts may come to your head about schoolwork and assignments that are due on Monday. Whenever I get a sudden email that I know I’ll have to address once the weekend ends, I will leave a note on my phone or leave the email marked “unread” so that I don’t forget about it later.
Don’t fall into old habits this semester! Be on top of everything this school year and have a blast in the meantime!