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Maximize Your Planner (and Schedule) With These 4 Tips

February 20th, 2017 at 2:00am

A few weeks into the school year, and you’ve finally set up your schedule. You know everything, from how many times you can snooze and still to make it to class to exactly how and where you can sneak in that coffee run. It’s a whirlwind of a semester and you have to stay focused. However, it’s hard to remember all the small details of your schedule that pop-up (I’m looking at you pesky group meetings).

Cue in your best friend that can help you: your planner.

Your planner is an important tool in your life. It helps you to stay organized and on track with everything you have going on in your busy life. Sure, apps and reminders are great. But having everything physically written out is a much more organized way to see your schedule as a whole.

In order to stay on top of your A-game, here are some helpful tips in order to turn your planner from a drag to rad!

Difference is key! How can you differentiate everything that is going on? It’s simple: make it look different! Use different color pens to color code areas, such as individual classes, clubs, and jobs. Underline any upcoming tests you have that you need to study for. This helps your eyes to pick up on tasks that you might forget!

Photo via @michacourt

Use your month calendar! Your planner is great at keeping track of tasks you need to complete each day. To look at the big picture, transfer your daily plans to the month calendar! It will give you an overview of everything you have going on for the next few weeks. Add due dates for projects, upcoming birthdays, and appointments you need to make. It will eliminate those embarrassing “Oops I forgot!” moments you have since you’ll have everything important going on organized in front of you!

Photo via @withlovethelms

Keep it bookmarked! Most planners come with a bookmark to place on the week that you’re in. Be sure that you’re using it! You’ll have easy access to grab your planner and open it up to jot down that pop quiz your teacher mentions at the last minute of class. If it doesn’t come with one attached, get creative and dress up a clip as an easy alternative!

Make it personal! No one wants a planner that looks blah. Add your own personal touch by decorating the front with stickers! You can add a weekly inspirational quote to your pages so that you have a sweet surprise when you go to write. Maybe you’ll clip your favorite glitter pen in the rings to write down important reminders!

Photo via @sennialinabloom

How are you staying organized this semester? Show us on social by tagging @CFashionista
