I had mixed feelings after attending the Women’s March in NYC this weekend. I was elated to be at the march with my close friend from high school whom I spent much time during those four years fighting for justice and feminine issues in and outside of school clubs. I came prepared: the phrase “Girl Power” on my shirt, my “Wild Feminist” jacket embellished with lots of women’s rights pins, and my own poster with poignant Hamilton quotes. (I wish I could’ve taken a photo of each witty sign my eye bounced to every five seconds—so much creativity, passion, and truth everywhere I looked.)
(Photo by @nalleycasey)
Feminism has become a trend; a wonderful trend at that. I think all feminists can agree that we want as many people possible to get on the bandwagon of supporting and caring about women’s rights. But it has also become a bit trivial to say one identifies with the movement as it has become so trendy. I know various people who have been hesitant to even call themselves feminists who felt obligated to go to the march more because that would make them the black sheep than because they are passionate about women’s rights issues.
I am no one special to say how the women’s rights movement should and shouldn’t be. But I’d like to hope that it will not simply be an echo chamber, but more so an invitation for all individuals to feel empowered, educated, and act at their own pace for feminism.
(Photo by @sarahgargano29)
I am glad that Trump’s election was a wake-up call to many people, but women’s rights, sexism, and various other activist issues were present long before Trump started his presidential campaign. This time in history is merely the byproduct of a larger societal issue.
(Photo by @taylorknoxx)
All of this being said, it was great to see such a diverse group of marchers. I was pleasantly surprised by the mass amount of men in attendance. I am hopeful that this wake-up call to many will be the moment for major positive change for the women’s movement and many other social causes.
(Photo by @sarahgargano29)
Keep fighting, stay optimistic. And remember that sometimes it’s okay to be uncomfortable, and spread love and kindness everywhere!