The Best Protective Styles for Natural Hair

June 18th, 2017 at 2:00am

Over the last few years, more women have followed the natural trends by embracing their hair in its natural state. Now depending on the grade of hair someone has determines how much maintenance, time, and effort goes into taking good care of their natural hair.

How do I know this you ask? Well safe to say I’m what I like to call a “Natuarlista,” which is someone who is all about being natural and into wearing their natural hair. Similar to how the fashion industry has “Fashionistas” who are all about fashion, which I also consider myself to be.

Now there are many protective styles for all my natural heads out there. There is the infamous twist-out, high puff or the pineapple, wash and go’s, and flexi or perm rod sets. These styles are everyday go-to’s for a lot of my natural friends out there because they’re not too complicated to achieve on your own, especially with the help of YouTube.

However, with summer upon us, the humidity and heat just do not mix well with natural hair. I’m sure all my natural girls would agree with me on this. So trying to wear your natural hair out in this crazy weather will only result in frizzy and puffy hair. Now after washing, detangling, and using so many products to get your curl pattern to come through just to step outside and Mother Nature just destroy all that hard work? Now that’s just unacceptable.

But no worries. Some summer protective styles that can save your life and definitely time is braids, whether cornrows or individuals, faux locs which is a fairly new trend, and lastly, my absolute favorite, crochet braids.


Crochets are a low-cost style that recently took over the natural hair world before faux locs started to become popular. The style is very easy to install, maintain, and can last you up to two months, possibly more depending on your natural hair growth. I had my crochets installed back in March and just took them out this past Tuesday just to give a time frame. The style is very versatile. The crochet hair comes in a variety of different styles and colors and can be purchased at your local beauty supply store along with the crochet hook for installment.

The steps to achieve this look are as follows:

1—Cornrow your natural hair down.

2—Use the crochet hook to install hair.

3—Style to your liking.

And that’s it! Simple, fun, and an easy way to try something new!

What do you think about the crochet technique? Do you like it, love it, or do you have another favorite protective style for the summer? Let me know in the comments below or feel free to share a photo of your latest protective style social media and tag @Cfashionista!


  • TequishaLicorish

    27. Mother. VCU '17 Alumni. Fashion Merchandising and Sociology Bachelors. A lover of Fashion and creating my own personal style. A firm believer in confidence being key!!! I want to inspire others to be comfortable in their skin and being open to different fashion styles. My mottos , "It doesn't take much to look FAB" and "Let your STYLE speak for itself".