Spring is here, and so is our desire for warmth, sunshine, and bright colors. This Fashionista brought all of that together in one outfit. Once the spring months hit, whether the day is gloomy or not, we want to dress up!
Her makeup is perfect for the day and the season. She kept it very light with the basics: foundation, eyeliner, and mascara. A little blush eyeshadow is a great accent to help contrast the jacket she draped over for the mildly windy day. Keeping your makeup light and natural is the perfect go-to look for any busy Fashionista.
Although we want to enjoy the sunshine, it’s not yet the time to put away your jackets. This Fashionista rocked the loose fitting blush jacket to keep warm. The neutral tank top she chose fit well with the color of her jacket. She couldn’t miss the trend that has been taking over everyone’s look—a black choker with gold accents was a great touch for this spring fit. As I mentioned before, we’re excited for color! This Fashionista brought color to her look with a small clutch that’s functional and an eye catcher. Also, who doesn’t love floral print? Dark wash denim is a good way to contrast her lighter top colors. Her sandals are a great way to tie the whole outfit together. The nude color is coordinating to the color scheme of her top, and the red accents align well with her clutch.
Spring is the time to evolve your style, and try new trends. Step out of your comfort zone and see what new colors and patterns you can welcome into your wardrobe. Keep your makeup light, and allow your face to become sun-kissed. Enjoy the season!