August 12th, 2015 at 2:00am

While windy days don’t always call for the best hair days, this Fashionista decided to follow one of the latest trends and dye her hair ombrè making it perfect for whatever the summer brings. The gradual shift from brown to blonde leaves her hair looking sun kissed and matches perfectly with her tan skin tone. This hairstyle is great for the summertime however, can fit perfectly with just about any outfit no matter what the season.

This Fashionista really wanted her hair to stand out, so she wore a solid black maxi dress, flip flops and Ray-Ban sunglasses. With this simple attire, she manages to show off her trendy ombrè hairstyle while still looking fabulous. The ombrè look has been slowly coming back into style, but the key to a perfect ombrèd look is the subtle change of coloring. Since not all people can dye their hair in the classic ombrè form (dark to light), some decide to do a reverse ombrè by dying the tips darker instead of lighter. Although this type is not as popular, it allows everybody to enjoy the ombrèd look. Personally, I love the classic ombrè hairstyle especially throughout the summer months.

What’s on the BEAUTY BAR: The best way to copy this ombrè look is by getting it done at your local hair salon. Although I do not recommend dying the tips yourself, it is possible to do with boxed hair dye. The hardest part by far is picking out the color and having it gradually get lighter and lighter as it gets to the tips of the hair. There should not be a distinct line between the natural brown hair color and newly dyed blonde creating a smooth fade between the two.
