BEAUTY BAR: Boho Fabulous

December 9th, 2016 at 2:00am

Can you feel the cold nip of Jack Frost making his way into December? I know all of us up in New Paltz sure can. You know what that means? Sweater weather is upon us! It is officially the time for cozy knit tops, fuzzy socks, countless cups of hot chocolate and the debate whether or not to leave your warm, soft bed every morning, and walk through the cold to get to class.

This Fashionista is embracing the cold and rocking a lovely black sweater that will definitely keep her warm and confident on her way to class. Like a true Fashionista she has made sure to incorporate her own style into this outfit by wearing fringe jeans with a slight ombre look at the knee. Her high heeled boots are not only stylish, but they also complement the fringe of her pants. The simple turquoise beads on her long necklace are not only beautiful, but they tie together this entire look! The black of her shoes and sunglasses work together while the blue of her jeans and necklace pull the whole outfit together. This Fashionista knows exactly how to put together a rockin’ outfit!

As a Fashionista there are a few things you should always do, dress for the weather, incorporate your own individuality into your wardrobe and have fun! This Fashionista is doing all three with absolute ease. She looks comfortable, warm, and most importantly, confident!

So when the cold weather outside doesn’t match your warm personality inside, make sure to share some winter cheer by looking and feeling your best! Your confidence and warmth will undoubtedly spread to all of those around you so even when it’s colder than the Arctic outside, inside you and your friends will be happy and snug together indoors.

Have a great rest of the semester and I hope your winter break is fabulous!

