Author: Talia Goldach
So far while studying abroad, the weather has been beautiful. However, this past week the weather took a turn for the worst and dropped to chillier temperature... Read more.
The fall weather in Florence, Italy consists of high 60s to low 70s, otherwise known as spring temperatures. However while studying abroad, every weekend consis... Read more.
While studying abroad in Florence I’ve discovered that there is leather everywhere. There are leather markets, leather stands, leather stores and leather... Read more.
As all of us Fashionistas/os head back to school there is one question on all of our minds, what do I wear? For me, the answer to this question is particularly... Read more.
Hello fellow Fashionistas/os! My name is Talia Goldach and I am extremely excited to join the CollegeFashionista team as a Style Guru for Kent State University.... Read more.