Author: Shanice Knott
It’s that time of year when we are scrambling for summer jobs, internships and trekking to interview after interview, taking every opportunity as it comes. Be... Read more.
We all have those mornings where we wake up and hit snooze 30 times. We end up rolling over 20 minutes before class to fling our hair up and put on whatever we... Read more.
As you can probably tell, I am obsessed with all things vintage or vintage-inspired. There is nothing better than a piece that has both history and personality.... Read more.
As an active member of the vertically challenged community, I am constantly being towered over. In my junior year of high school, I was walking through the hal... Read more.
It’s that time again! We are all filling into classrooms, pretending to listen to our professor blather on about the self-explanatory syllabus (I can read, th... Read more.
New, crisp and clean Nosilla Vintage livens up the traditional brick-and-mortar with beautiful brick and fresh white to compliment the brightest prints and colo... Read more.
Hello, users of the interweb! My name is Shanice. I’m your standard 21-year-old going through her very first early life crisis. My interests are literally eve... Read more.