Author: Matea Boyter
A six-letter word for a glorious late-morning meal, traditionally on Sundays? I believe the word we are all looking for is Brunch. Personally, I am a big fan of... Read more.
There is no more sugar coating it. It is the middle of summer. And it is hot. But luckily for some, it has brought those cool summer nights that we all love and... Read more.
As we get deeper into this summer semester, the temperature sadly is not stopping at a beautiful 85 degrees. Which sometimes makes it hard to find easy, breezy,... Read more.
I, as a Fashionista, strongly believe in dressing for the occasion. For any occasion, big or small, I tend to lean to the idea of over dressing but try to catch... Read more.
Is there any better way to spend a summer evening than at a concert? While the type of concert (indoor/outdoor, genre) always drives the outfit, this Fashionist... Read more.