Author: Manuela Almeida


  • Manuela Almeida

    I am a neutral and minimalist dresser at heart, but I am starting to branch out and wear more risky style outfits, something that CollegeFashionista has inspired me to do. * Two years and eight months is how long I have been a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista. During this time I have written directly from Brazil, from the campus of Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC) in Rio de Janeiro and now from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi in São Paulo. Two years and one month is the time span I have been a fashion reporter for Joyce Pascowitch in São Paulo—a job that I only snagged because I learned I loved fashion through working with CollegeFashionista. Three years and a six months is the total time I have been a college student. Now I face the final step in earning a bachelor’s degree in Journalism—my thesis. This means that in six months I will be an alum and no longer a Style Guru. Wow.