Author: Katja Gronert
It’s World Cup season and I have found that watching the women’s futbal tournament is like watching two lions fight in the grasslands. The players are aggre... Read more.
Makeup in summer is sometimes a Fashionista’s/o’s worst enemy. Imagine (Enter a dreamy state. The clouds are rippling across the horizon. A faint bi... Read more.
Summer is the time of half-remembered childhood dreams of warm beaches, cool nights by the fire and eccentric but impeccably dressed family. I have always loved... Read more.
Ah, summer. A time when the sun sears flesh on white sandy beaches, drinks are free-flowing, and for most people, daily working life continues with only a passi... Read more.
It’s a dreary, drizzly day here as I write this post. I will readily admit that I am not an expert; in fact, some may even say I hardly know anything about fa... Read more.