Author: John Wong
It’s finally upon us, Fashionistas. Summer’s been nice and all, but as soon as the first chill in the air hits, or you walk into your friend’... Read more.
You know that old saying about something really dope being “the cat’s pajamas”? This look is just like that, except this cat decided it didn... Read more.
Hi everyone. I’m so hyped to be back for another semester as a Style Guru! To all the new faces, I’m John Wong, and I’m a senior at the Univ... Read more.
At this point in my life, I can think of two things right off the top of my head that I would actively and voluntarily save up money for to finance: 1) my coll... Read more.
So the first things you might think of when you hear “Birkenstock” are probably hippies or Jesus. But who’s laughing now? Ever since Vogue and... Read more.
It was the day after a rainstorm in New York when I spotted this Fashionista making the streets of the Financial District her runway. But even though it had s... Read more.
Hi guys. My name’s John Wong, and I am a broadcast journalism student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I’ve always been drawn to the wo... Read more.