Author: Abigail Urban


  • Abigail Urban

    Hey! I'm Abigail (Abby, for short). I am a sophomore majoring in Journalism and Media Studies at Rutgers University. Here are some quick facts about me: I am obsessed with music, whether listening to my new favorite songs or performing in Rutgers music ensembles (shout out to Kirkpatrick Choir and the Marching Scarlet Knights). I sing and play the clarinet (yes, like Squidward). I am also a proud member of the Rutgers Douglass Residential College, a program that empowers and fosters the leadership of Rutgers women. My kindred spirit is Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation and cats are my favorite animal. I love cats. A lot. Last but not least, I love giving advice/sharing my interests and I am so excited to be a Style Guru!