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The August "Rhythm" Moodboard is Here!

August 1st, 2017 at 2:00am

Despite being in the middle of the calendar, August has always seemed like the unofficial new year. Finishing out your internship on a high; relishing the last bits of summer; the thrill of the back-to-school season. The ebb and flow of the summer meeting the school year brings about a recognizable cadence of endings and beginnings.

And while, yes, this time of year has a comforting familiarity to it that goes back to your elementary school days, that doesn’t mean it has to be ordinary. Instead of letting the routine of it all get the best of you, this month we invite you to create a new rhythm that is bolder, more vibrant, and powerful than ever before.

We here at CollegeFashionista are using this time to create a bold new rhythm ourselves! In honor of our seventh anniversary, we are unveiling our brand NEW Style Guru program, giving you an opportunity to learn about things you are actually interested in, get access to industry insiders, network, and grow your skills, community, and confidence!

So whether you are looking to end your internship on a high or start of the school year stronger than ever, create and find your own rhythm that is as unique and mighty as you are!

To kick-off this month, check out our August Mood Board on Pinterest to get you in the playful mood!
