To most university and college students, summer may sound like a four month holiday at first glance. However, in reality, it could be another hectic semester to many of us, where you would be juggling with work, internships, and summer courses, except you could wear your off-shoulder dress you have been longing to dig out of your closet over the winter semester. With a few chapters of notes to go through, sometimes you would be inclined to think that taking a short study break during the day is a distraction that prevents you from finishing your school work efficiently.
I’m sure many of you have proven yourselves wrong when you found out that not only did you not complete your checklist as expected, but also found yourself feeling sluggish at the end of the day, displeased with how little you have accomplished—then becoming unmotivated for tomorrow. That’s the part where you have to convince yourself that taking a short study break is necessary to rejuvenate your mind, boost your productivity, and give you new inspiration. Come on Fashionistas, you can’t live without inspiration! There are a plethora of ways for you to go about taking study breaks, depending on which hours your brain functions the best at, your schedule, and your personal preferences. I personally would like to arrange a little study getaway. Here’s how I do it:
1—Work on your homework or study in a new environment.
Switching to a new study location actually makes it easier for your brain to recall study materials. Your brain learns to associate visual and auditory cues from the new environment to the pieces of information you’re studying. I visited a salon-café that has really catchy décor and a quiet study environment. The walls were lined with artificial grass rugs accented with colorful paintings, which instantly delivered a sense of tranquility. Remember to select a location with a couple of plugs handy, or else you won’t be able to charge your appliances!
2—Bring your friend. You should find a friend who you know will help you make the most out of your time.
I am blessed to have a few friends who study similar subjects as I do. Having a study companion not only helps you to learn new information but also provides mental support during difficult times. This Fashionista here, Beverly, has been my study companion for the past three years. I’m really liking the white top she was wearing with the slightly see-through chiffon across her shoulder—and, she’s a fashion designer herself.
3—Light caffeine.
For those who can’t tolerate high loads of caffeine, a cup of latte with a small amount of caffeine can actually go a long way. It’s more than an energy shot too, as having an afternoon tea with some tasty bites replenishes some of the fuel that your body needs. This café here offers custom-printed latte art. I picked a picture of a dandelion with a cheerful message. That’s another fun way to lighten up your brain.
How do you counteract a study strain? Better yet, a creative one? I’d love to hear about them! Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to tag @Cfashionista.