As a kid watching television, I can recall different Hannah Montana looks that made me want to buy anything covered in sequins. Having the Hollywood dream seemed so glamorous and a little out of reach. But Michigan State has a huge visual media program that allows you to dip your toes into anything, from behind the camera to set design to dressing the actors. This inspiring filmmaker took a chance and auditioned for SideShow MSU and by chance became their awesome costume designer.
Name: Tony Simonton
Role: Costume Designer, SideShow MSU
CollegeFashionista: What inspired you to become the costume designer for SideShow MSU?
Tony Simonton: Growing up, I was fascinated by the different costumes on shows that I used to watch. I remember watching classical pictures and thinking that the costume the castle guards wore would be the best Halloween costume in elementary school. Something that intrigued me was how often the characters changed outfits. I was wondering why. Becoming SideShow’s costume designer helped me put my ideas of how a character develops and who they are into each script. I enjoy picking out edgy outfits to push an actor a little farther into character.
CF: How do you think joining SideShow will help you break into the industry?
TS: SideShow covers all general aspects of television so I feel as though it has opened the door to opportunities to expand my skills on set. The connections I have made and the alumni base is also a huge part of getting the advice I need to succeed. There are Spartans all over the country that are willing to help out graduates and point them in the right direction.
CF: Next year you are becoming producer of SideShow. What are you looking forward to most about growing the program?
TS: I look forward to opening the floor to everyone’s ideas. We all have so many great things rolling around our heads, and I want to let it be known that they are more than welcomed. I want the program to grow so that, not only it becomes more recognized and renowned, but the members get everything they can out of being a part of the Sideshow family.
Learn More: Tony will be costume designing SideShow’s weekly videos on YouTube. Make sure to watch and ‘like’ the videos!