AROUND TOWN: The Nomad Truck

March 13th, 2015 at 2:00am

What do you get when you mix a love for fashion with an adventurous personality and a daring sense of style? You get Nomad, the wandering fashion boutique, also known as the Nomad Truck. Believe it or not, this boutique cannot be stopped—literally. With its gypsy-bohemian style clothing and accessories you can find on this truck, it’s no wonder that the clothing matches the wanderlust of the business. I was lucky enough to spot out this truck that made a pit stop on my campus.

Name: Jessie Goldenberg

Role: Owner and Founder

CollegeFashionista: How did you come up with such a unique business idea?

 Jessie Goldenberg: I wanted to open a boutique in New York City and realized fast how expensive it was, especially being young with student loans. I heard about people opening up their own clothing trucks on the West Coast in places like California and Seattle. I figured it was a perfect way to open a boutique with lower overhead and to get my business started.

 CF: What made you want to go into the fashion industry?

 JG: I always loved fashion, and I believe it’s a great way to be able to express yourself. Helping customers find that perfect something to wear and seeing their reaction makes it worth it. It’s really about the customers and interacting with them.

CF: What’s your favorite aspect about traveling and meeting customers around the country?

 JG: We haven’t been cross-country yet, but getting to see new campuses, different states, climates and how people live is fun and unique. We get the best of every world while also being able to leave the snow in New York and getting to go on the road!

Learn More: Nomad is usually around the greater NYC area. They are currently on the road, so check to see if your campus is on the Nomad path of funky style. Fear not if you aren’t near the truck because you can purchase from them and visit them here.
