AROUND TOWN: The Bearded Lady

March 12th, 2015 at 2:00am

Students here at Vassar are the epitome of offbeat-chic and casual trendiness. It’s likely because of this that The Bearded Lady has gained such a strong campus following. The store offers an expertly tailored selection of vintage and consignment pieces at extremely competitive prices. During my visit there, I saw everything from a classic Harley Davidson biker vest to a handful of beautiful sheer pajama tops. Without a doubt, The Bearded Lady is a neighborhood gem.

Name: Margot Madalengoitia

Role: Owner; The Bearded Lady

CollegeFashionista: How did you come up with the name The Bearded Lady?

Margot Madalengoitia: I always had a fascination with bearded ladies in the sideshow sense. I went through a lot of names when I was working on the store. I joked about The Bearded Lady but it stuck. I like the balance of femininity and masculinity in the woman with the beard.

CF: What makes your store so unique?

MM: I’m 22, so I wear the fashions that I’m selling. When I first started, over half of what I was selling was clothing I had collected over the years. Also, I’m friends with my clients. My clothing is cheap for what it is. It’s all hand chosen but still cheap.

CF: How do you select the pieces for your store?

MM: I try to have a lot of fashion styles. I look for anything interesting and different. I like to have a lot of weird and unique things.

CF: What impact has being so close to campus had on your store?

MM: Vassar people buy the most things. I’m gearing this toward people my age. We literally couldn’t be any closer to campus. I actually started at Vassar’s Potpourri (an event for local vendors). I had just gotten my business license, and I did so well that day. It was different stuff and people were really excited.

CF: What are your favorite items in the store?

MM: I love everything in the store. Sometimes I’ll see somebody wearing something they bought in my store and I’ll have to refrain from walking up to them and talking about it. I do love the night jackets from the ’30s. I’m a big fan of the lingerie. I like the story behind everything. That’s why I love secondhand clothing so much.

Learn More: To see some of Margot’s amazing finds and do some serious vintage shopping, visit The Bearded Lady, located at 9 Collegeview Avenue in Poughkeepsie.
