
AROUND TOWN: Shannon Caufield

May 20th, 2015 at 2:00am

Some people have a passion for fashion and they don’t know what to do with it. Designing and constructing apparel is an exquisite skill however, it is tedious and requires a great deal of patience. So what are those who love fashion, but don’t want to design left to do? After meeting with this Fashionista, I discovered how she has translated her skills into a college concentration and hopefully one day into a career.

Name: Shannon Caufield

Role: Fashion and Textiles Major

CollegeFashionista: What are you majoring in?

Shannon Caufield: I am currently a Fashion and Textiles Major with a concentration in Merchandising and a minor in Business.

CF: What do you plan to do once you graduate?

SC: Once I’ve graduated, I will have had three internships in the fashion field. I hope to work as either a buyer or a visual merchandiser.

CF: How has attending SUNY Oneonta given you a better understanding of what career you want to pursue in fashion?

SC: I’ve taken a large range of classes from designing to merchandising. I quickly came to the realization that designing was too tedious for me. That was when I decided to concentrate on the merchandising and business aspect of the spectrum.

CF: How would you describe your personal style?

SC: I feel as though I have a very atypical style for a fashion major. I have a more boyfriend jean and Vans type style as opposed to skirts and wedges. Factoring in always having my longboard with me also throws people off when I tell them I’m a fashion major.

Learn More: Shannon will be continuing her studies at SUNY Oneonta this up and coming year. She plans to move to the city once she graduates!
