AROUND TOWN : Margo Hannah

April 1st, 2015 at 2:00am

Fashion is a series of hits and misses. Although runways are a great source of inspiration, we can’t forget about the student designers and stylist. Take this Fashionista for example; she hits vintage right on the nail by using refined clothing and accessories to form the foundation of a stellar wardrobe. In her spare time, Margo blogs to motivate and inspire college students who share a love for fashion but don’t have lots of money to spend on new clothing and accessories.

Name: Margo Hannah

Role: Faces Modeling Troupe Fashion Director

CollegeFashionista: Growing up, were you always passionate about fashion and if so, how did that inspire you to take on fashion director of a modeling troupe?

Margo Hannah: I was always obsessed with fashion. In elementary school I would always draw cute little outfits but as I got older I realized I wasn’t that great of an artist. I decided to stick to styling instead of strictly designing. To be honest, when I got to college I didn’t want to continue doing fashion until joining Faces and becoming fashion director. My peers saw that I had a great eye for fashion and convinced me to pursue it.

CF: What’s the hardest part about putting looks together for so many models?

MH: The hardest part is the fact that there are so many models. I can’t forget to mention that the fashion show in itself consists of about 5 separate scenes with 5 different looks. Location is another difficulty as well. Let’s just say Gainesville isn’t the most fashion forward city, but we work with what is available!

CF: If you had to leave your house and could only bring a few pieces from your closet, what would they be and why?

MH: My vintage oversized grandpa sweater and all-white Chucks. Both of these items are extremely comfortable and extremely timeless. You can never go wrong with vintage!

CF: Years from now, what would you want people to say you brought to the world of fashion?

MH: I hope people say that I was never afraid to take risks when it comes to fashion. I want to be remembered for being versatile and embracing my eccentricity. One day I’ll give you boho-chic and the next day I’m a grungy goddess.

Learn More: After college, Margo plans to work on becoming a school counselor. However, she will continue to style and direct for the fun of it and to see how far her talents will take her. Once a Fashionista, always a Fashionista.
