AROUND TOWN: Jesse Tovar

April 21st, 2015 at 2:00am

Ever wonder how all those iconic fashion spreads in Vogue landed on the page? From blurbs to font and loads of photos of your favorite basic T-shirts, the layout of a magazine is principle to staging a fashion magazine’s aesthetic. This past week, I met up with MODA Magazine’s Art Director, Jesse Tovar, who is responsible for the layout of the magazine and its online publication.

Name: Jesse Tovar

Role: Art Director, MODA Magazine

CollegeFashionista: What spurred your interest in art direction, specifically for a fashion publication? 

Jesse Tovar: I knew that I wanted to work in magazines, but I wasn’t sure in what way. I also knew I didn’t want to write. I found out about art direction with the magazine, how it was design-based and involved a lot of problem solving skills. In essence, it was a hybrid of becoming creative and strategic with design. 

CF: What do you like the most about working as the Art Director? 

JT: I like it because I get to express my creative aesthetic that I had for the magazine for the past year. It was a representation of what I like to do, and eventually see it in print in my hands. It has been a really rewarding experience. 

CF: What inspires you in your work? 

JT: Definitely looking at other magazines out there. I like to do a lot of research into a lot of different spreads, and see how it can be created in our own Wisconsin spread. 

CF: At the moment, what is your favorite trend or fad? 

JT: Wearing just the essentials and going back to the basics. For example, I found this shirt at Goodwill, and it’s simple. 

Learn More: Catch Jesse at his favorite campus hang out spot, the Memorial Union Terrace, with his favorite pair of Converse shoes on at all times. To see Jesse’s work with MODA, make sure to pick up a copy that is hitting the stands on April 30, 2015. Want to see more of Jesse and MODA? Check out or
