AROUND TOWN: Jake Ashley

May 1st, 2015 at 2:10am

Many people think that there isn’t a wide array of employment opportunities within the fashion industry. But the more experience one gains, the more exposure they can get. Jake Ashley is doing just that. Currently a sophomore majoring in Business at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, Ashley is on the right track. With his experience in working retail, freelance modeling and taking business classes, it is obvious Ashley is trying to obtain as much information as he can. I got to sit down with Jake and talk to him about all of his hard work to pave the way toward a successful career in fashion.

Name: Jake Ashley

Role: Model and Business Major

CollegeFashionista: How did you get interested in modeling and fashion?

Jake Ashley: I’ve always had a passion for shoes and sneakers. I started doing freelance modeling for friends who are photographers and they suggested I take it up. I made so many connections quickly. One of my friends is well known on Flickr and another is a photographer for Atlantic Records. I’ve been modeling more for the past four months. I plan to go to New York or Chicago to look at agencies and explore connections there.

CF: How would you describe your personal style and what are some of your favorite items to wear?

JA: I always start an outfit with what shoes to wear. I first figure out what I’ll be doing for the day and then I match the color scheme or something that will draw attention. I’ll wear more of a plain color palette to draw attention to my feet. The majority of my wardrobe is band merchandise and I always pair that with a flannel. It can be very minimalistic, yet makes a statement.

CF: You’re currently a Business major; do you aspire to work on the business side of the fashion industry?

JA: I would love to one day own a fashion or sneaker boutique that specializes in streetwear brands such as Supreme!

CF: Where would you like to end up after you graduate with your degree?

JA: I would really like to live in a major city. Nowhere really specific, but somewhere where I can connect with people that can see my dreams and help develop them to their fullest potential.

Learn More: Jake is currently finishing up his sophomore year and plans to travel to Chicago and New York. To keep up with what is going on in his life, check out his Instagram.
